EVD module
Obecné charakteristiky
EVD module is an add-on expansion module for installation alongside UltraCella or SmartCella. It is easy to assemble and connect, and allows energy savings through management of a CAREL EEV.
The module can be mounted directly on a DIN rail or pre-assembled for wall mounting, thanks to special plastic inserts and three wide bypass holes for convenient and safe wiring, while guaranteeing IP65 on the complete enclosure.
Available in versions with or without display and with or without Ultracap for retrofit applications.
The display simplifies programming, meaning the controller can be started after selecting just a few parameters. Ultracap technology guarantees safe valve closure in the event of power failures, avoiding the need to install a solenoid valve.
UltraCella communicates with EVD Evolution via serial communication, for managing and configuring EVD directly from UltraCella.Main functions:
- superheat control with high pressure, low pressure and low superheat protection
- guided commissioning procedure (selecting just 4 parameters, stand-alone module)
- connection diagram shown on the display
- removable graphic LCD, multi-language interface with online help for the parameters and SI or imperial units of measure
- user management with password to access different configuration levels
- copy parameter values to different EVD devices from the display
- LEDs for monitoring the main parameters
- use of low-power ratiometric pressure transducers with 4 to 20 mA output (these can be shared between several drivers)
- second digital input for defrost management
- possibility to use backup probes
- Ultracap technology that assures safe valve closure in the event of power failures
Combined with the CAREL ExV series electronic expansion valves, the EVD Evolution drivers create an integrated control system that optimises evaporator operation and ensures high energy savings.
2D/3D drawings
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Kód Popis Jazyk Datum * Verze Kód 2d-3d Ultra EVD Module Popis 2D-3D drawings Jazyk ALL Datum 10/11/2015 Verze R0 Kód 2d-3d Ultra EVD Blind Module Popis 2D-3D drawings Jazyk ALL Datum 10/11/2015 Verze R0 -
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Kód Popis Jazyk Datum * Verze Kód +0300005CS Popis EVD evolution Ovladač elektronického expanzního ventilu Jazyk CZE Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005DE Popis EVD evolution Treiber für elektronisches Expansionsventil Jazyk GER Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005EN Popis EVD evolution electronic expansion valve driver Jazyk ENG Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005ES Popis EVD evolution driver para válvula de expansión electrónica Jazyk SPA Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005FR Popis EVD evolution pilote pour vanne d'expansion électronique Jazyk FRE Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005IT Popis EVD evolution driver per valvola di espansione elettronica Jazyk ITA Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005PT Popis EVD evolution driver para válvula de expansão eletrônica Jazyk POR Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 Kód +0300005RU Popis EVD evolution Привод электронного расширительного вентиля Jazyk RUS Datum 24/01/2024 Verze 4.2 -
Technické listy
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Kód Popis Jazyk Datum * Verze Kód +0500087FD Popis WM00E***00: Ultra EVD Module Modulo di espansione driver valvola elettronica per UltraCella Erweiterungsmodul mit Treiber für elektronisches Ventil für UltraCella Jazyk FRE GER Datum 22/07/2019 Verze 2.5 Kód +0500087IE Popis WM00E**I00: Ultra EVD Module: Modulo di espansione driver valvola elettronica per UltraCella/ Driver-Valve expansion module for UltraCella Jazyk ENG ITA Datum 22/07/2019 Verze 2.5
Application Note
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Kód Popis Jazyk Datum * Verze Kód +4000009DE Popis Intuitionsbasierter wissenschaftlicher Ansatz Jazyk GER Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009EN Popis A scientific approach applied to intuition Jazyk ENG Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009ES Popis Aproximación científica aplicada a la intuición Jazyk SPA Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009FR Popis Approche scientifique appliquée à une hypotèse Jazyk FRE Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009IT Popis Approccio scientifico applicato all’intuizione Jazyk ITA Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009JA Popis 科学的アプローチの直観化 Jazyk JAP Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009PT Popis Aproximação científica aplicada à intuição Jazyk POR Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 Kód +4000009ZH Popis 直观化的 科学方法 Jazyk CHI Datum 11/02/2011 Verze 1.0 -
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High resolution images
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Kód Popis Jazyk Datum * Verze Kód PH14LWM303-ultra-EVD-module-range Popis CAREL-Refrigeration Parametric Controls-Cella range-EVD module Jazyk ALL Datum 24/09/2021 Verze R.0 Kód PH15LWM301-EVD-module-no-display Popis CAREL-Refrigeration Parametric Controls-Cella range-EVD module Jazyk ALL Datum 24/09/2021 Verze R.0